Programmatically Set a Value to a Hyper Link in SharePoint

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Generally while we are inserting Values to Hyper Link Data Type in a Custom List we have  two Options one is for the Hyper link "Value" and the Other is for the "Description".
The Description will appear at UI . After clicking on it , It will navigate to Certain Page.

The following example will demonstrate , how we will achieve this Programatically.
We Can achieve this by two ways:
Method 1:
                   SPList oList= oWeb.Lists.TryGetList("ListName");
                    if (oList!= null)
                        SPListItem oListItem= oList.Items.Add();                      
                        oListItem["Column1"] = "Some Value";
                        oListItem["HyperlinkColumnName"] = ", Google";
Method 2:
                        SPList oList= oWeb.Lists.TryGetList("ListName");
                       if (oList!= null)
                        SPListItem oListItem= oList.Items.Add();
                        SPFieldUrlValue hyper = new SPFieldUrlValue();
                        hyper.Description = "Google";
                        hyper.Url = "";
                        oListItem["Column1"] = "Some Value";
                        oListItem["HyperlinkColumnName"] = hyper;

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