Create Meetings by using Exchange Server API

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Hello Everyone,
In a following post we will see how to send Meeting Invitation through Exchange Server API. As part of our Example , I have one Calendar List and user will navigate to Calendar and create  new Item. when user submits the form a mail will be triggers to the Attendees and it will block attendees Outlook Calendar .
For EWS Integration (if client Exchange server is hosted on premise).Need to do following things @ client environment.
Install EWS Managed API 2.0 into SharePoint server. Size of this API is 1 MB approx.
Configure Exchange Impersonation for all users in an organization (Exchange Management Shell is required for running scripts).

In one of my posts we have seen "Create Exchage Server Connection via impersonate user account by Exchange API" how to create Exchange Server Connection via impersonate user account.

Please find the Event Receiver Code below,In following code we are creating Meetings (normal),All Day Events and Recurrence Events .
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
using Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Net.Mime;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ExchageMeetingRequest
    /// <summary>
    /// List Item Events
    /// </summary>
    public class MeetingInvitation : SPItemEventReceiver
        public static string url = string.Empty;
        public string siteURL = string.Empty;
        public static bool attendeesChanged = false;
        public static bool scheduleChanged = false;
        public static bool itemChangedToRecurrence = false;
        public static SPFieldUserValueCollection newAttendees = new SPFieldUserValueCollection();
        public static string recurrencevalue = string.Empty, title = string.Empty, objective = string.Empty;
        public string meetingForwardBy = string.Empty;
        InsertUpdateMeetingData updateMeetingData = new InsertUpdateMeetingData();

        /// <summary>
        /// An item is being updated.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            SPWeb web = properties.Web;
            if (properties.ListTitle == "Meetings")
                    bool scheduleChanged = false;
                    DateTime beforeEventDateTime = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EventDate"];
                    DateTime afterEventDateTime = new DateTime();
                    DateTime beforeEndDateTime = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EndDate"];
                    DateTime afterEndDateTime = new DateTime();
                    if (properties.AfterProperties["EventDate"] != null && properties.AfterProperties["EndDate"] != null)
                        afterEventDateTime = DateTime.Parse(properties.AfterProperties["EventDate"] as string).ToUniversalTime();
                        afterEndDateTime = DateTime.Parse(properties.AfterProperties["EndDate"] as string).ToUniversalTime();
                        //Checking whether Meeting dates are changed or not
                        if (beforeEventDateTime != afterEventDateTime || beforeEndDateTime != afterEndDateTime)
                            scheduleChanged = true;
                    if (properties.AfterProperties["Attendees"] != null)
                        SPFieldUserValueCollection beforeAttendees = new SPFieldUserValueCollection(web, properties.ListItem["Attendees"].ToString());
                        SPFieldUserValueCollection afterAttendees = new SPFieldUserValueCollection(web, properties.AfterProperties["Attendees"].ToString());
                        bool presentInBeforeAttendees = false;
                        if (newAttendees != null)
                            if (newAttendees.Count > 0)

                        foreach (SPFieldUserValue afterAttendee in afterAttendees)
                            foreach (SPFieldUserValue beforeAttendee in beforeAttendees)
                                if (afterAttendee.User.LoginName == beforeAttendee.User.LoginName)
                                    presentInBeforeAttendees = true;
                                    presentInBeforeAttendees = false;
                            if (!presentInBeforeAttendees)
                        if (newAttendees.Count > 0)
                            attendeesChanged = true;
                            SPFieldUserValue forwardBy = new SPFieldUserValue(web, properties.AfterProperties["Editor"].ToString());
                            if (forwardBy != null)
                                meetingForwardBy = forwardBy.User.Name;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Exception Handling
        /// <summary>
        /// An item was added.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            if (properties.ListTitle == "Meetings")
                    int iUID = 0;
                    SPWeb web = properties.OpenWeb();
                    siteURL = web.Url;
                    SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
                    string CreatedByEmail = string.Empty;

                    if (properties.ListTitle == "Meetings")
                        MailAddressCollection macCollection = new MailAddressCollection();
                        title = Convert.ToString(item["Title"]);
                        objective = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting Objective"]);

                        //reading Meeting Agenda - Custom column which was created in Meetings(Calendar) List
                        string agenda = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting Agenda"]);
                        int iUID = item["ID"];

                        SPFieldUserValue createdByUserValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, Convert.ToString(item["Created By"]));
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(createdByUserValue.User.Email))
                            CreatedByEmail = Convert.ToString(createdByUserValue.User.Email);
                            CreatedByEmail = Constants.Admin;

                        SPFieldUserValueCollection attendeesUserValueCollection = (SPFieldUserValueCollection)item["Attendees"];
                        item["Attendees"] = attendeesUserValueCollection;
                        if (attendeesUserValueCollection != null)
                            foreach (SPFieldUserValue fuv in attendeesUserValueCollection)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fuv.User.Email))
                                    macCollection.Add(new MailAddress(fuv.User.Email));
                            objective = "Meeting Objective";
                            if (macCollection.Count != 0)
                                bool isAllDay = false;
                                bool isRecurrance = false;
                                //Get Event Author
                                SPFieldUserValue user = new SPFieldUserValue(properties.Web, properties.ListItem["Author"] as string);
                                // Create an Exchange connection via impersonationg Author account.
                                ExchangeServiceConnection conn = new ExchangeServiceConnection(user.User.Email, user.User.LoginName);
                                //Get all attendees.
                                SPFieldUserValueCollection col = (SPFieldUserValueCollection)properties.ListItem["Attendees"];
                                Regex reg = new Regex(@"[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2}|com|local|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)\b");
                                isAllDay = (bool)properties.ListItem["All Day Event"];
                                isRecurrance = (bool)properties.ListItem["Recurrence"];

                                if (isRecurrance)
                                    ReOccuranceMeeting(properties, user, conn, col, reg, iUID, url, web);
                                    CreateMeetingRequest(properties, user, conn, col, reg, isAllDay, iUID, url, web);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Exception Handling

        /// <summary>
        /// An item was updated.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            if (properties.ListTitle == "Meetings")
                    string agenda = string.Empty;
                    SPWeb web = properties.OpenWeb();
                    siteURL = web.Url;
                    SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
                    MailAddressCollection macCollection = new MailAddressCollection();
                    string CreateEmail = string.Empty;

                    title = item["Title"].ToString();
                    objective = item["Meeting Objective"].ToString();
                    agenda = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting Agenda"]);
                    int UID = item["ID"];
                    SPFieldUserValue createdByUserValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, Convert.ToString(item["Created By"]));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(createdByUserValue.User.Email))
                        CreateEmail = Convert.ToString(createdByUserValue.User.Email);
                    SPFieldUserValueCollection attendeesUserValueCollection = (SPFieldUserValueCollection)item["Attendees"];
                    item["Attendees"] = attendeesUserValueCollection;
                    foreach (SPFieldUserValue fuv in attendeesUserValueCollection)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fuv.User.Email))
                            macCollection.Add(new MailAddress(fuv.User.Email));
                    if (properties.ListItem["Meeting URL"] != null)
                        title = item["Title"].ToString();
                        if (item["Meeting Objective"] != null)
                            objective = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting Objective"]);

                            if (attendeesChanged)
                                if (item["Meeting Type"].ToString() == "Decision Meeting")
                                    using (SPSite spSite = new SPSite(siteURL))
                                        using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb(Constants.DecisionMakingWebName))
                                            url = "MeetingUrl";
                                            objective = "Meeting Objective";
                                MailAddressCollection macColNewattendees = new MailAddressCollection();

                                foreach (SPFieldUserValue fuv in newAttendees)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fuv.User.Email))
                                        macColNewattendees.Add(new MailAddress(fuv.User.Email));

                                if (macColNewattendees.Count != 0)
                                    SPFieldUserValue user = new SPFieldUserValue(properties.Web, properties.ListItem["Author"] as string); //Get Event Author
                                    // Create an Exchange connection via impersonationg Author account.
                                    ExchangeServiceConnection conn = new ExchangeServiceConnection(user.User.Email, user.User.LoginName);
                                    //Get Appointment ID
                                    var appid = properties.ListItem["ApplicationId"];
                                    SendMeetingRequestToNewAttendee(web, properties.ListTitle, item["ID"], CreateEmail,
                                        "Meeting Invitation", macColNewattendees, title, objective, UID, url, meetingForwardBy, conn, appid);
                                attendeesChanged = false;
                                meetingForwardBy = string.Empty;
                                newAttendees = null;
                            if (scheduleChanged)
                                if (macCollection.Count != 0)
                                    bool isAllDay = false;
                                    isAllDay = (bool)properties.ListItem["All Day Event"];
                                    if (properties.ListItem.Fields.ContainsField("ApplicationId")) //if contains AppointmentID field.
                                        //Get Event Author
                                        SPFieldUserValue user = new SPFieldUserValue(properties.Web, properties.ListItem["Author"] as string);
                                        // Create an Exchange connection via impersonationg Author account.
                                        ExchangeServiceConnection conn = new ExchangeServiceConnection(user.User.Email, user.User.LoginName);
                                        //Get all attendees.
                                        SPFieldUserValueCollection col = (SPFieldUserValueCollection)properties.ListItem["Attendees"];
                                        if (col == null) //if not any attendees exists . (This could be null if attendees column not added to Event Content Type)

                                        var appid = properties.ListItem["ApplicationId"]; //Get Appointment ID
                                        //Create a regular expression for checkin mail format.
                                        Regex reg = new Regex(@"[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2}|com|local|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)\b");

                                        if (appid == null)
                                            CreateMeetingRequest(properties, user, conn, col, reg, isAllDay, UID, url, web);
                                        else //if appointment exist reschedule existing appointment
                                            ReScheduleMeetingRequest(properties, user, conn, col, appid, reg, UID, url, web);
                                scheduleChanged = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Exception Handling

        /// <summary>
        /// This Method is used to create Reoccurance Meeting
        /// </summary>        
        private void ReOccuranceMeeting(SPItemEventProperties properties, SPFieldUserValue user, ExchangeServiceConnection conn,
            SPFieldUserValueCollection col, Regex reg, int MeetingID, string MeetingURL, SPWeb web)
                string Title = string.Empty;
                string meetingAgenda = string.Empty;
                string MObjective = string.Empty;
                string URL = string.Empty;
                string ApplicationId = string.Empty;

                SPList spList = web.Lists.TryGetList(Constants.MeetingMasterListName);
                SPListItem item = spList.GetItemById(MeetingID);
                if (item != null)
                    Title = Convert.ToString(item["Title"]);
                    meetingAgenda = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Agenda"]);
                    MObjective = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Objective"]);
                URL = MeetingURL;
                MeetingLoc = "Meeting Location";
                string recurrence = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["RecurrenceData"]);

                Appointment meeting = new Appointment(conn.Service); //Create a new appointment object
                // Set properties on the meeting.
                meeting.Subject = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["Meeting_x0020_Subject"]); //set subject
                meeting.Start = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EventDate"]; //set Start date
                DateTime endDateTime = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EndDate"];
                meeting.End = meeting.Start.Date.AddHours(endDateTime.Hour).AddMinutes(endDateTime.Minute).AddSeconds(endDateTime.Second);
                meeting.Location = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["Location"]); //set location
                meeting.Body = "Assigning Meeting Body";

                foreach (var itemAttendee in col) //loop in Attendees.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemAttendee.User.Email) && reg.IsMatch(itemAttendee.User.Email)) //check mail existance and mail format
                recurrence = recurrence.ToLower();
                Regex pattern = new Regex(@"<repeat><(?<FREQ>\w+)\s(?<OPTIONS>.*)/></repeat>");
                Match match = pattern.Match(recurrence);
                //gets the pattern type
                String freq = match.Groups["FREQ"].ToString().ToUpper();
                //gets the pattent options
                String options = match.Groups["OPTIONS"].ToString().ToLower();
                // Build a regex to parse out the interval
                pattern = new Regex(@"(day|week|month|year)frequency=""(?<INTERVAL>\d+)""");
                string[] ops = options.Split('=');
                //String interval = "";
                match = pattern.Match(options);
                // Pull out the interval
                String interval = match.Groups["INTERVAL"].ToString();
                // The list of day values we're going to scan for
                String[] days = new String[] { "SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA" };

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(interval)) interval = "1";
                if (freq.Equals("DAILY"))
                    meeting.Recurrence = new Recurrence.DailyPattern(meeting.Start.Date, Convert.ToInt32(interval));
                else if (freq.Equals("DAILY") && options.Contains(@"weekday=""true"""))
                    days = new String[] { "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR" };
                    freq = "WEEKLY";

                if (freq.Equals("WEEKLY"))
                    //interval = ops.Last().Replace("'", "");
                    List<DayOfTheWeek> byday = new List<DayOfTheWeek>();
                    //DayOfTheWeek[] byday = new DayOfTheWeek[] { };

                    foreach (String d in days)
                        // Is this day set in the recurrence options?
                        if (options.Contains(d.ToLower() + @"=""true"""))
                            switch (d)
                                case "SU": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Sunday);
                                case "MO": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Monday);
                                case "TU": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Tuesday);
                                case "WE": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Wednesday);
                                case "TH": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Thursday);
                                case "FR": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Friday);
                                case "SA": byday.Add(DayOfTheWeek.Saturday);
                    meeting.Recurrence = new Recurrence.WeeklyPattern(meeting.Start.Date, Convert.ToInt32(interval), byday.ToArray());
                else if (freq.Equals("MONTHLY"))
                    //interval = ops[1].Replace("'","");
                    // Build a regex to parse out the day in a "every N months on the Nth" pattern
                    pattern = new Regex(@"\sday=""(?<BYDAY>\d+)""");
                    // Match against the pattern options XML
                    match = pattern.Match(options);

                    // Pull out the by day option
                    String byDay = match.Groups["BYDAY"].ToString().ToUpper();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(byDay)) byDay = "1";
                    meeting.Recurrence = new Recurrence.MonthlyPattern(meeting.Start.Date, Convert.ToInt32(interval), Convert.ToInt32(byDay));
                // Parse out yearly-specific options
                else if (freq.Equals("YEARLY"))
                    // Build a regex to parse out the month in a "every N (month) Nrd" pattern
                    pattern = new Regex(@"\smonth=""(?<BYMONTH>\d+)""");

                    // Match against the pattern options XML
                    match = pattern.Match(options);

                    // Pull out the by month option
                    String byMonth = match.Groups["BYMONTH"].ToString().ToUpper();

                    //interval = ops[1].Replace("'","");
                    // Build a regex to parse out the day in a "every N months on the Nth" pattern
                    pattern = new Regex(@"\sday=""(?<BYDAY>\d+)""");

                    // Match against the pattern options XML
                    match = pattern.Match(options);

                    // Pull out the by day option
                    String byDay = match.Groups["BYDAY"].ToString().ToUpper();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(byDay)) byDay = "1";

                    Month m = (Month)Convert.ToInt32(byMonth);

                    meeting.Recurrence = new Recurrence.YearlyPattern(meeting.Start.Date, m, Convert.ToInt32(byDay));
                else if (freq.Equals("MONTHLYBYDAY") || freq.Equals("YEARLYBYDAY"))
                    // Parse out the weekdayOfMonth property into an index we can use
                    DayOfTheWeekIndex di = GetWeekdayOfMonthIndex(options);
                    // The list of day values we're going to scan for
                    days = new String[] { "SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA" };
                    DayOfTheWeek dow = new DayOfTheWeek();
                    foreach (String d in days)
                        // Is this day set in the recurrence options?
                        if (options.Contains(d.ToLower() + @"=""true"""))
                            switch (d)
                                case "SU": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Sunday;
                                case "MO": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Monday;
                                case "TU": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Tuesday;
                                case "WE": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Wednesday;
                                case "TH": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Thursday;
                                case "FR": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Friday;
                                case "SA": dow = DayOfTheWeek.Saturday;
                    meeting.Recurrence = new Recurrence.RelativeMonthlyPattern(meeting.Start.Date, Convert.ToInt32(interval), dow, di);

                // Build a regex to parse out the number of occurrences
                pattern = new Regex(@"<repeatinstances>(?<REPEAT>\d+)</repeatinstances>");

                // Match against the XML
                match = pattern.Match(recurrence);

                // Pull out the number of occurrences
                String repeat = match.Groups["REPEAT"].ToString();

                // Build a regex to parse out the end by date
                pattern = new Regex(@"<windowend>(?<ENDDATE>.+)</windowend>");

                // Match against the XML
                match = pattern.Match(recurrence);

                // Pull out the end date
                String endDate = match.Groups["ENDDATE"].ToString();

                meeting.Recurrence.StartDate = meeting.Start.Date;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repeat)) meeting.Recurrence.NumberOfOccurrences = Convert.ToInt16(repeat);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate)) meeting.Recurrence.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);
                // Create the meeting and send the meeting invitation to attendees.

                properties.ListItem["ApplicationId"] = meeting.Id.UniqueId; //update event item 
            catch (Exception ex)

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to create Meeting Request
        /// </summary>        
        private void CreateMeetingRequest(SPItemEventProperties properties, SPFieldUserValue user, ExchangeServiceConnection conn,
            SPFieldUserValueCollection col, Regex reg, bool isAllDay, int MeetingID, string MeetingURL, SPWeb web)
                string Title = string.Empty;
                string meetingAgenda = string.Empty;
                string MObjective = string.Empty;
                string URL = string.Empty;

                SPList spList = web.Lists.TryGetList(Constants.MeetingMasterListName);
                SPListItem item = spList.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(MeetingID));
                if (item != null)
                    Title = Convert.ToString(item["Title"]);
                    MObjective = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Objective"]);
                    Description = Convert.ToString(item["Description"]);
                URL = MeetingURL;
                Appointment app = new Appointment(conn.Service); //Create a new appointment object
                app.Subject = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["Meeting_x0020_Subject"]); //set subject
                app.Start = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EventDate"]; //set Start date
                app.End = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EndDate"]; //set end date                             
                app.Body = "Set Meeting Request Body";
                foreach (var itemAttendee in col) //loop in Attendees.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemAttendee.User.Email) && reg.IsMatch(itemAttendee.User.Email)) //check mail existance and mail format
                if (isAllDay)
                    app.IsAllDayEvent = true;

                app.Save(); //save appointment object this could send meeting requests to attendees.
                properties.ListItem["ApplicationId"] = app.Id.UniqueId; //update event item 
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Exception Handling

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>        
        private void ReScheduleMeetingRequest(SPItemEventProperties properties, SPFieldUserValue user,
            ExchangeServiceConnection conn,
            SPFieldUserValueCollection col, object appid, Regex reg, int MeetingID, string MeetingURL, SPWeb web)
                string Title = string.Empty;
                string Subject = string.Empty;
                string meetingAgenda = string.Empty;
                string MObjective = string.Empty;
                string URL = string.Empty;

                SPList spList = web.Lists.TryGetList(Constants.MeetingMasterListName);
                SPListItem item = spList.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(MeetingID));
                if (item != null)
                    Title = Convert.ToString(item["Title"]);
                    meetingAgenda = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Agenda"]);
                    MObjective = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Objective"]);
                    URL = MeetingURL;
                    Appointment app = Appointment.Bind(conn.Service, new ItemId(appid.ToString()));
                    app.Subject = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["Meeting_x0020_Subject"]); //set subject
                    app.Start = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EventDate"]; //set Start date
                    app.End = (DateTime)properties.ListItem["EndDate"]; //set end date                    
                    app.Body = "Set Meeting Body";
                    app.RequiredAttendees.Clear(); //clear all attendees.
                    foreach (SPFieldUserValue itemAttendee in col)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemAttendee.User.Email) && reg.IsMatch(itemAttendee.User.Email))
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Exception Handling
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void SendMeetingRequestToNewAttendee(SPWeb web, string listName, int itemID, string organizerEmail,
            string title, MailAddressCollection macAttendeeList, string strSubject, string strSummary, int MeetingID,
            string MeetingURL, string meetingForwardBy, ExchangeServiceConnection conn, object appid)
                string Title = string.Empty;
                string Subject = string.Empty;
                string stime = string.Empty;
                string ETime = string.Empty;
                string meetingAgenda = string.Empty;
                string MObjective = string.Empty;

                SPList spList = web.Lists.TryGetList("MeetingsListName");
                SPListItem item = spList.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(MeetingID));
                if (item != null)
                    Title = Convert.ToString(item["Title"]);
                    Subject = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Subject"]);
                    stime = Convert.ToString(item["EventDate"]);
                    ETime = Convert.ToString(item["EndDate"]);
                    meetingAgenda = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Agenda"]);
                    MObjective = Convert.ToString(item["Meeting_x0020_Objective"]);

                URL = MeetingURL;
                Appointment appointment = Appointment.Bind(conn.Service, new ItemId(appid.ToString()));
                List<EmailAddress> emails = new List<EmailAddress>();
                foreach (MailAddress mails in macAttendeeList)
                    emails.Add(new EmailAddress(mails.Address));
                appointment.Subject = strSubject;
                String message = "Some Text";
                MessageBody mb = new MessageBody(message);
                appointment.Forward(mb, emails);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Exception Handling

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