Hi All,
In a following post we will see how to read List Items using REST API and bind it to a Page.
Please find the below code snippet.It is a self explanatory.
<html> <head> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var context; var web; $(document).ready(function () { SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', FunctionReady); FunctionReady(); }); function FunctionReady() { context= new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); web=context.get_web(); context.load(web); context.executeQueryAsync(onRequestSuccess,onRequestFailure); } //get the current web context function onRequestSuccess() { // Get the current web Url var QueryUrl=web.get_url(); MyfirstRest(QueryUrl); } function onRequestFailure(sender,args) { alert("Error Occured:"+args.get_message()); } // My function which is used to get the List Collection . Currency is my List Name. function MyfirstRest(webUrl) { //Creating Url var queryUrl = webUrl+"/_api/lists/getbytitle('Currency')/items"; $.ajax({ url: queryUrl, method: "GET", headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" }, success: onQuerySuccess, error: onQueryError }); } function onQuerySuccess(data) { var r = data.d.results; //Creating a table structure $("#myResult").append('<table>') $("#myResult").append('<tr><td style="font-weight:italic">Currency</td></tr>') //Looping Jason data and binding to div $.each(r,function(index,Loaddata){ $("#myResult").append('<tr>') $("#myResult").append('<td>'+Loaddata.Title+ '</td>') $("#myResult").append('</tr>') }); $("#myResult").append('</table>') } function onQueryError(error) { alert("Error: "+error.statusText); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="myResult"> </div> </body> </html>
Final Out put will be looks as follows:
Note: As part of demo , I have place Content Editor Webpart
in my page and mapped this file with it.
Update: Instead of Writing separate function to get the current Web, We can use url=_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl; to get the Current Web URL in the above Code.
Where is the Rest API in this code? This is JSOM, not REST API. Bad Impression