Making NewsFeed WebPart available OutSide of the MySite in SharePoint 2010

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The following example will demonstrates how we can get the Colleagues Updates(NewsFeed) Out side of the My Site in Sharpoint 2010.

Newsfeed is one of the key part in MySite of Sharepoint Social Communication approach. Generally it will appear on the the MySite.
It will show the Colleague's Updates based on our Newsfeed Settings.
Actually It is WebPart named "WhatsNew".
Generally many of the customers may ask to show the Newsfeed webpart in the Landing Page of the Intranet Portal(or Some where Else)
To Make this web part available in our Site Collection ,  we need to Activate the Feature Called "My Site Layouts Feature".
This is a hidden feature ,So you cannot activate the feature thorough OOB.
You need to use the PowerShell to Activate the Feature.

Enable-SPFeature -identity "MySiteLayouts" -URL "http://xxx:1947"

Physical Location of the Feature:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\MySiteLayouts\DWP

Feature ID:

After we are activating the feature , we are able to see the WhatsNew Webpart in Social Collaboration Category.Just we need to add the webpart wherever required.

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