Error Occured in Deployment Step Add Solution :Value does not fall with in Expected Range

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While i am creating the Content Types by using the Declarative XML . i got the couple of exception.
the below example is one among them

Generally we may get this type of exception while creating the content types due to the Typos  like

<ContentType ID="{0x0100da3896467d2d4af085f58a0fa1c22703" Inherits ="TRUE"   Group ="MyCTGrp"    Name ="CT1" Overwrite ="TRUE" Description ="This content type is used for the....">
    <FieldRefs >
      <FieldRef ID ="{860deaeb-80cd-4a22-ab0d-31e49b67ac90}"  Name ="SiteCol1" DisplayName ="SiteCol1" Required ="TRUE" />    

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