The following example will demonstrate , How to Create the Asp.Net Controls dynamically and add them to the Page.
Let us Assume a Scenario like , In One Page i have to show all the Polls from the Custom List.
Each Poll may have different count of the Options And I submit the Poll Selection Options to the Custom List.
#region [ Page Load ]
/// <summary>
/// Executes when the page loads and create the controls dynamically(Poll Questions and Options)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Page_Load</param>
/// <param name="e">EventArgs</param>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion [ Page Load ]
#region [ Methods ]
/// <summary>
/// This methos is used to create the create the question and options dynamically
/// </summary>
public void CreateConrols()
// *********** assigning the parameter to the BLL Method
objUtilities.ListName = "MyListName";
objUtilities.Query = "";
objUtilities.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='Question' /><FieldRef Name='Options' /><FieldRef Name='IsActive1' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_1' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_2' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_3' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_4' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_5' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_6' />";
objUtilities.IsAll = true;
// *********** calling a method in BLL
dtPollsAll = new DataTable();
dtPollsAll = objUtilities.GetDataFromSP(objUtilities);
if (dtPollsAll != null && dtPollsAll.Rows.Count > 0)
ViewState["vs_PollsAll"] = dtPollsAll;
Table table = new Table();
table.CssClass = "Classname for the Table";
TableRow tr;
TableCell tc;
//gets the count from the datatable
PollsCount = dtPollsAll.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < PollsCount; i++)
tr = new TableRow();
tc = new TableCell();
// Question - creating the control dynamiclly and assigning the value to it
Label lblDynamicQuestion = new Label();
lblDynamicQuestion.ID = "lbl"l + dtPollsAll.Columns["Question"].ColumnName.ToString() + i;//lbl
lblDynamicQuestion.Text = dtPollsAll.Rows[i][BLL.Constants.ListColumns.LstItem_Question].ToString();
lblDynamicQuestion.CssClass = "PollQus";
// ID - Poll ID - creating the id control dynamically and assigning the value to it
HiddenField hfDynamicID = new HiddenField();
hfDynamicID.ID = "hf" + dtPollsAll.Columns["ID"].ColumnName.ToString() + i;//hf
hfDynamicID.Value = dtPollsAll.Rows[i][BLL.Constants.ListColumns.LstItem_ID].ToString();
// Gets the options count
Options = Convert.ToInt32(dtPollsAll.Rows[i]["Options"]);
// Options - creating the Options (radiobuttionlist) control dynamically and assigning values to it.
RadioButtonList rblDynamicPollOptions = new RadioButtonList();
rblDynamicPollOptions.ID = "rbtnL" + dtPollsAll.Columns["Options"].ColumnName.ToString() + i;//rbtnL
rblDynamicPollOptions.CssClass = "PollOpt";
// Adding Polls Options to the radio button list
for (int option = 0; option < Options; option++)
rblDynamicPollOptions.Items.Add(new ListItem(dtPollsAll.Rows[i]["Option_" + (option + 1)].ToString(), dtPollsAll.Rows[i]["Option_" + (option + 1)].ToString()));
// Submit - creating the Submit(button) control dynamically and assigning the value to it.
Button btnDynamicSubmit = new Button();
btnDynamicSubmit.ID = "btnSubmit" + i;//"btnSubmit"
btnDynamicSubmit.Text = "Vote";
btnDynamicSubmit.ValidationGroup = "PollsGroup" + i;
// event click for button
btnDynamicSubmit.Click += new System.EventHandler(SubmitPoll_Click);
btnDynamicSubmit.CssClass = "PollVote";
// Creating the Required Field Validator for Polls
RequiredFieldValidator rfRequired = new RequiredFieldValidator();
rfRequired.ID = "rf" + i;//"rf"
rfRequired.ControlToValidate = rblDynamicPollOptions.ID;
rfRequired.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
rfRequired.ErrorMessage = "Please Select teh Poll Option";
rfRequired.ValidationGroup = "PollsGroup"s + i;
// adding controls to the tc
// adding TC to the TR
// adding TR to the Table
// adding table to the Panel
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// this method is used to stay back the controls when the page is loading again in a page
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savedState"></param>
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion [ Methods ]
#region [ Events ]
/// <summary>
/// Executes when button clicks
/// This Event is used to Capture the Poll Selection from the User and storing it in a PollsUserList
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Button - SubmitPoll</param>
/// <param name="e">EventArgs</param>
protected void SubmitPoll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// identify which button was clicked and perform necessary actions
Button button = sender as Button;
string btnId = button.ID;
string item = btnId.Substring(9);//9 is the length of the btnSubmit ,
HiddenField ID = (HiddenField)pnlMain.FindControl("hfID" + item);// "hfID"
RadioButtonList responce = (RadioButtonList)pnlMain.FindControl(""rbtnLOptions" + item);//"rbtnLOptions"
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID.Value))
objUtilities.PollID = ID.Value;
objUtilities.LoginUser = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Name.ToString();
//checking already participated or not
if (objUtilities.isVote(objUtilities))
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('User is Already Participated in Polls')", true);
// User Is Not Participated - assigning the selected value to the object BLL
if (responce != null)
objUtilities.Answer = responce.SelectedItem.Text;
// Calling a Method in BLL to store the PollNominations
if (objUtilities.SubmitPolls(objUtilities))
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('thank you for participating in Polls')", true);
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion [ Events ]
Let us Assume a Scenario like , In One Page i have to show all the Polls from the Custom List.
Each Poll may have different count of the Options And I submit the Poll Selection Options to the Custom List.
#region [ Page Load ]
/// <summary>
/// Executes when the page loads and create the controls dynamically(Poll Questions and Options)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Page_Load</param>
/// <param name="e">EventArgs</param>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion [ Page Load ]
#region [ Methods ]
/// <summary>
/// This methos is used to create the create the question and options dynamically
/// </summary>
public void CreateConrols()
// *********** assigning the parameter to the BLL Method
objUtilities.ListName = "MyListName";
objUtilities.Query = "";
objUtilities.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='Question' /><FieldRef Name='Options' /><FieldRef Name='IsActive1' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_1' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_2' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_3' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_4' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_5' /><FieldRef Name='Option_x0020_6' />";
objUtilities.IsAll = true;
// *********** calling a method in BLL
dtPollsAll = new DataTable();
dtPollsAll = objUtilities.GetDataFromSP(objUtilities);
if (dtPollsAll != null && dtPollsAll.Rows.Count > 0)
ViewState["vs_PollsAll"] = dtPollsAll;
Table table = new Table();
table.CssClass = "Classname for the Table";
TableRow tr;
TableCell tc;
//gets the count from the datatable
PollsCount = dtPollsAll.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < PollsCount; i++)
tr = new TableRow();
tc = new TableCell();
// Question - creating the control dynamiclly and assigning the value to it
Label lblDynamicQuestion = new Label();
lblDynamicQuestion.ID = "lbl"l + dtPollsAll.Columns["Question"].ColumnName.ToString() + i;//lbl
lblDynamicQuestion.Text = dtPollsAll.Rows[i][BLL.Constants.ListColumns.LstItem_Question].ToString();
lblDynamicQuestion.CssClass = "PollQus";
// ID - Poll ID - creating the id control dynamically and assigning the value to it
HiddenField hfDynamicID = new HiddenField();
hfDynamicID.ID = "hf" + dtPollsAll.Columns["ID"].ColumnName.ToString() + i;//hf
hfDynamicID.Value = dtPollsAll.Rows[i][BLL.Constants.ListColumns.LstItem_ID].ToString();
// Gets the options count
Options = Convert.ToInt32(dtPollsAll.Rows[i]["Options"]);
// Options - creating the Options (radiobuttionlist) control dynamically and assigning values to it.
RadioButtonList rblDynamicPollOptions = new RadioButtonList();
rblDynamicPollOptions.ID = "rbtnL" + dtPollsAll.Columns["Options"].ColumnName.ToString() + i;//rbtnL
rblDynamicPollOptions.CssClass = "PollOpt";
// Adding Polls Options to the radio button list
for (int option = 0; option < Options; option++)
rblDynamicPollOptions.Items.Add(new ListItem(dtPollsAll.Rows[i]["Option_" + (option + 1)].ToString(), dtPollsAll.Rows[i]["Option_" + (option + 1)].ToString()));
// Submit - creating the Submit(button) control dynamically and assigning the value to it.
Button btnDynamicSubmit = new Button();
btnDynamicSubmit.ID = "btnSubmit" + i;//"btnSubmit"
btnDynamicSubmit.Text = "Vote";
btnDynamicSubmit.ValidationGroup = "PollsGroup" + i;
// event click for button
btnDynamicSubmit.Click += new System.EventHandler(SubmitPoll_Click);
btnDynamicSubmit.CssClass = "PollVote";
// Creating the Required Field Validator for Polls
RequiredFieldValidator rfRequired = new RequiredFieldValidator();
rfRequired.ID = "rf" + i;//"rf"
rfRequired.ControlToValidate = rblDynamicPollOptions.ID;
rfRequired.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
rfRequired.ErrorMessage = "Please Select teh Poll Option";
rfRequired.ValidationGroup = "PollsGroup"s + i;
// adding controls to the tc
// adding TC to the TR
// adding TR to the Table
// adding table to the Panel
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// this method is used to stay back the controls when the page is loading again in a page
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savedState"></param>
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion [ Methods ]
#region [ Events ]
/// <summary>
/// Executes when button clicks
/// This Event is used to Capture the Poll Selection from the User and storing it in a PollsUserList
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Button - SubmitPoll</param>
/// <param name="e">EventArgs</param>
protected void SubmitPoll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// identify which button was clicked and perform necessary actions
Button button = sender as Button;
string btnId = button.ID;
string item = btnId.Substring(9);//9 is the length of the btnSubmit ,
HiddenField ID = (HiddenField)pnlMain.FindControl("hfID" + item);// "hfID"
RadioButtonList responce = (RadioButtonList)pnlMain.FindControl(""rbtnLOptions" + item);//"rbtnLOptions"
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID.Value))
objUtilities.PollID = ID.Value;
objUtilities.LoginUser = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Name.ToString();
//checking already participated or not
if (objUtilities.isVote(objUtilities))
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('User is Already Participated in Polls')", true);
// User Is Not Participated - assigning the selected value to the object BLL
if (responce != null)
objUtilities.Answer = responce.SelectedItem.Text;
// Calling a Method in BLL to store the PollNominations
if (objUtilities.SubmitPolls(objUtilities))
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('thank you for participating in Polls')", true);
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion [ Events ]
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