Build Automation (CICD) of WebJob in SharePoint Online

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Build Automation (CICD)


Continuous integration (CI) is the process of integrating your code into a shared repository as frequently as possible. During code integration, a build break or a test failure can inform you, in a timely manner, of an error in your code.
When many developers collaborate on complex software projects, it can be a long and unpredictable process to integrate different parts of code together. However, you can make this process more efficient and more reliable if you build and deploy your project continuously.
Visual Studio Team Services simplifies Continuous Integration for your applications regardless of what platform you are targeting, or what language you are using. VSTS Team Build allows you to:

Ø  Build on Linux, Mac, and Windows
Ø  Use a private or a hosted (Azure) build agent
Ø  Use multi-platform build agents for Android, iOS, Java, .NET, and other applications
Ø  Seamless integration with work, test, code, build, and release
Ø  Track your builds with real-time build status
Visual Studio Team Services account. If you don’t have one, you can create from here

Build Definition

Note: For defining build, user should be in the SG group ('Microsoft IT Build Admins').
2.       From your VSTS account overview page, select your team project.
3.       Click on Build and Release tab and then select Builds.

4.       Click on New to create a build definition.

5.    Select Source, Team Project, Repository and Default branch based on your application and click on Continue. 

6.       You will be asked to choose a template. Select Empty Process.

Here we can select with the predefined templates which has applied a set of tasks that are typically involved in building an app. In many cases, we might not require doing anything further other than just pointing to the correct repository and branch and we will be good to go.
In our case, we have selected empty process as we are creating build definition for web job.

7.       Select the Process task, here we need to select the build agent where we want to run this build. We can choose to run the builds on an-premise agent or use the agents hosted on Azure. We will use the Hosted VS2017/Hosted agent as it has the .NET core framework and all other components that are required to build the app.
Select the Agent queue as “Hosted” if solution is built on VS 2015, If It is compatible with VS2017 then select “Hosted VS 2017

8.       To rename the build definition, click on the name, edit the name and then save the build definition by clicking on Save & queue.
Adding Build Tasks

To add build task, select the plus sign (+) from Phase 1 on the left side.


1.       Search for NuGet and click on Add.

2.       Select NuGet added under Phase 1 tab
3.       Define properties for NuGet task as below:
            Display name: user defined name
            Path to solution: select the solution file from repository
            Command: Restore

Visual Studio Build Task

1.       Now we need to add another task, click on (+) on phase 1 and Search for Visual Studio Build task and click on Add

2.       Define the properties as below:
                 Display Name: user defined name.
  Visual Studio Version: Select VS based on application compatibility. In this case we have
                                           selected Visual Studio 2015.
       Advanced settings:
Check Record Project Details and Create Log File.

                           Solution: For the solution file, select the ... button to browse your repository
                                           and select the solution file you created.
For Single Project in Single Solution:

Note:  When we have multiple projects in our solution, we need to add vs build task in Build Order (Check VS, in which order solution getting build)
For Multiple Projects in Single Solution:

3.       Select Save & queue, and then select Save. (If popup asks to select a folder to save, we can skip that by clicking on cancel)

4.       Final build looks as below,

Copy Files

1.       To add another task, click on (+) on phase 1 and Search for Copy Files task from the **Deploy/All section and click on Add.

2.       Change the property values as below and save the definition
       Display Name: any name which is relevant to our application.
       Source Folder: DemandManagement/DemandManagement.Job/bin/
                                  (In our case we have given bin folder of webjob)
             Contents: **
      Target Folder: $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\TimeTrackerDev\App_Data\jobs\triggered\DemandManagementJob2018 (We can get the Target folder path from VS while we are deploying our Webjob from VS)

For more information regarding Copy Files check below URL.

Publish Build Artifacts

1.       To add another task, click on (+) on phase 1 and Search for the Publish Build Artifacts from the All section. Click on Add.

2.       Define properties to the Publish Build Artifacts as below:
                   Display name: application relevant name.
               Path to publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
                  Artifact name: drop (We can change this name – all the code files will be created
                                             under this folder once the job ran successfully)
Artifact publish location: Visual Studio Team Services/TFS

You are ready to run the build. You can make the builds to run as a Continuous Integration build so that it runs upon every check-in on the branch. We will see that later in the lab. For now, we will run it manually.
3.       Select Save & queue, and then select Save.
4.       Then click on Queue, as shown below.

Start Build

 You will see that the build waiting to find an agent to run. It may take a couple of minutes and once it gets an agent, the build starts executing. You can see the output logs in real-time as the build is running. You can also download the log later should you need to a deeper analysis.

Once all the steps are completed, you can select the Build number on the top to get the detailed information on the run. The Summary tab shows the summary of the run including the who triggered it, at what time, what code and commit was fetched, associated work items, tests, etc.

The Timeline view will help you find out how much time did every task to run.(below image is as per new UI).

 If the build definition included publish task and if any files were published, you can find it from the Artifacts tab.

Once we explore the file we will get all type of file like .dll, exe etc. Please find below screenshot.

We can find the Build definition as below

Enable CI

Click on Triggers. On the Triggers tab you specify the events that will trigger the build. You can use the same build definition for both CI and Scheduled builds.
Continuous integration (CI): Select this trigger if you want the build to run whenever someone checks in code.

Check the Enable Continuous integration checkbox and select the branch filters

Release Definition

1. Open for VSTS build/CICD pipeline.
2. Click Build and Release tab and select Releases.

3.     Select the plus sign (+) and then select Create release definition.

4.     Select the action to start with an empty process.

5.     In Next Window, Provide Environment Name like UAT, Production and click on save.

6.       Rename the release definition by clicking on the name then save the build definition again.

Click on Pipeline from the Menu

7.       From the Artifacts panel, click on (+) Add.

8.       Select the Source type as Build, Project as OneITVSO and select the build definition which we have created from the Source (Build definition)

9.       After selecting the build definition, it will be loaded with build definition values and then click on Add.

Select the Lightning bolt to trigger continuous deployment and then enable the Continuous deployment trigger on the right-side callout popup.
It creates a new release every time a new build is available.

          *We can add Filters if requires.

10.   Click on Schedule set, enable the Schedule release trigger from the callout popup and configure the time. This will create a new release at specified times. (We are not using this)

11.   Now we need to define the tasks for release definition. Click on Tasks from menu or click on 1 phase, 0 task from Environment.

12.   Select the Agent Phase, here we need to select the Agent queue where we want to run this release definition. Select the Agent queue as “Hosted” if the solution is built on VS 2015 and if it is compatible with VS2017 then select “Hosted VS 2017”

Adding Release Tasks

1.      Select Agent Phase and click on (+) to add Task

2.    Search for AzSK Security Verification Tests task and add the same to Agent Phase.

3.    After adding the Security Verification task, we can find the screen as below

4.    Provide the values for Security verification task as described below:
             Display Name: Change if you require
  Select parameter set: ResourceGroupName(after selecting the ResourceGroupName,
                                       it will ask for the Name of the Resource Group where
                                       WebApp(App Service) exists)
            Subscription Id: Provide the Subscription ID of your Resource Group
AzureRM Subscription: See In below note steps.

AzureRM Subscription

Click on Manage hyper link and it will open another page in new tab

From the newly opened window, we need to create End point
 To create End Point, follow the below steps:
          a.  Click on New Service Endpoint
b.  Select Azure Resource Manager from populated values

          c.  Provide the connection name with relevant to your application
          d.  Select the subscription id from subscription drop.
          e.  Resource Group name of your application from Resource Group dropdown
               then click on “use the full version of the endpoint dialog


              f.   Once you click on the link, it will ask for some more details as shown below:


 g.  Provide the below Information:
       Service Principal Client ID: we need to provide Service Principle Client ID which
                                                     was enabled for our Web App in Azure.

       Service Principal Key: We need to provide the Principle Key , We can create a new
                                             Key, if we forget the existing one. Make sure to save the key
                                             value as there isn’t any option to retrieve key value if it’s lost.

                   Note:  After providing Principle Client ID and Key make sure to verify the connection
                               by clicking on Verify Connection.     


We need to select the End Point which we have created in above steps, for AzureRM subscription under Security verification task

Finally, Security Verification task looks as below:

5.    Search for Azure App Service Deploy task and add the same to Agent Phase.

6.    After adding the task, we need to configure settings.

7.    Click on the Azure App Service Deploy and provide the properties as below:
            Display name: Name of the deployment task.
   Azure Subscription: We need to select the End Point which we have created earlier.
                    AppType: Web App

      App Servicename: Based on End Point configuration and app type, it will be
                                      autopopulated with Web App. Select the Web App where we
                                      want to deploy the webjob.

      Package or folder: Initially, we will get a path with .Zip, click on from right-side.

8.     In Next window, we need to select the Webjob, which we want to deploy to Web App.

Package and folder will looks as below:

We haven’t done any changes to below configuration properties

9.       After defining artifact and environment save the release definition. To create a new release in manually follow below steps:
a.       Click on Create release from Release

b.       Select the Environment and Build ID and click on Create.

c.       Now, it will open release summary page. Click on Deploy and select the Environment to start deployment to Web App.

d.       Release definition summary is shown below:

e.       Click on logs to find the logs of release definition.

f.        Navigate to your web job section in Web App to find the WebJob which was deployed using Build Automation.

If we want to trigger another deployment to another environment, follow the below steps.
i.         Click on Pre-deployment conditions as shown below.

ii.                   Click on After release from trigger and save release definition.



Once you have deployed, your WebJob is ready to run. What you need is a scheduler to trigger it on a scheduled basis.
Now to schedule the Web Job we need to create a Scheduler Job.
To create a Scheduler Job, follow the steps below:
         a.  Open Microsoft Azure Portal and navigate to Scheduler Job Collections.
         b.  Click on Add.

        c.  Create a new Job inside Job Collection and provide the required details like Name, Pricing Tier,
               Resource Group etc.

        d.  Next step is to configure the Action settings, wherein we will trigger our Web Job. For this we     
              need to define Action as Https, Method as Post and the URL

Format of the URL should be like –
To get the above details open the Web Job properties

Replace the appropriate values
           e.  Last step is to schedule it. Here we have selected it to run immediately, every 2 minutes for
                total of 10 occurrences.

        f.  Finally click on Create which will create the job.

                                                         We can monitor our Job

Going back to our Web Job Logs we can see it ran 3 times with interval of 2 minutes till that point


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